Immaculée Ilibagiza mener, at bede om rosenkransen skånede hende for at blive slagtet under det forfærdelige folkedrab i Rwanda i 1994, hvor hendes familie og mere end en million andre uskyldige mænd, kvinder og børn blev brutalt myrdet.
Næsten to årtier senere fortsætter Immaculée med at bede rosenkransen hver dag og undrer sig over, hvordan hun konstant bliver fornyet og rigt belønnet ved at glæde sig over denne herlige bøn. Det har hjulpet hende i alle aspekter af hendes liv, lige fra bogstaveligt talt at redde hendes liv til at styrke hendes tro, lindre sorger, ændre hjertesorg til lykke, helbrede sygdomme i hende selv og andre, løse familieproblemer, lande et drømmejob, finde for længst mistede venner , og endda lokalisering af mistede nøgler! Hun modtog så mange velsignelser fra rosenkransen, at hun besluttede at studere dens historie og oprindelse.
Hun opdagede hurtigt, at det ikke kun var beregnet til katolikker, men at Jomfru Maria lovede et liv fyldt med velsignelser til alle fra enhver religion, som trofast reciterede rosenkransen dagligt. . . og dette var en så vidunderlig nyhed, at hun lovede at dele den med så mange mennesker, som hun kunne.
I Rosenkransen: Bønnen der reddede mit liv afslører Immaculée, hvordan rosenkransens mange velsignelser kan høstes af hver og en af os. I denne bevægende og opløftende bog fortæller New York Times bestsellerforfatter om sin personlige oplevelse af at opdage kraften og skønheden i de gamle perler – og viser os alle, hvordan vi kan berige vores eget liv ved at udforske og omfavne mysterierne, hemmelighederne og løfter om den bøn, der blev hendes "livline til himlen".
What you cover in your shipping policy and how you communicate it will be highly dependent on your current business operations and supply chain. The goal is to be transparent with customers.
As 2020 brings unforeseen shipping delays and increased carrier costs, it's more important than ever to keep your shipping policy up to date with the following key points in mind:
- Essential shipping details are easy to find. While it is common practice to keep a link to your shipping policy page in the footer of your website, consider how you can also surface important shipping details in the right place at the right time (e.g. on your product page or website banner).
- Clear and concise presentation. Don’t make customers comb through your shipping policy page for the information they need. Whenever possible, make it easy to navigate with clear subheadings, tables, bolded text, and links to learn more.
- Order processing times. After an order is placed, how many days will it take to get it ready to ship? It’s worth communicating if you’re excluding weekends and/or holidays, and if you have certain cutoff times for processing orders (e.g. orders received after 5pm will be processed the next business day). If changes occur within your supply chain, due to peak periods or as a result of COVID-19, you should update your processing times to reflect it.
- Domestic and international shipping options. What are the qualifying regions for your domestic shipping options? International shipping can be broken down in its own section where you list the countries you ship to and estimated delivery timelines. If you offer several shipping options, you can list them in a table so the information is easy to scan.
Shipping costs. Break down your shipping costs for the customer. If you have a free shipping threshold, you can communicate in various places as an incentive for customers. Any potential surprise fees should be surfaced too, such as duties and taxes the customer may incur.