Immaculee's Charities



To donate by mailing a check:


from We, The World who manages 
Immaculee's Charities

5064 Annunciation Circle, 206

Ave Maria, Fl 34142

Phone: 1-917-519-7408 or 985-710-9595


Immaculée's Charities - Please Download PDF for current projects

BENEBIKIRA NUNS The Benebikira nuns are an order of sisters native to Rwanda. Many are nurses, as well as master educators who help the children of Rwanda. In order to help the children, we must first help those who care for them. These holy sisters across the country give their lives to the children, and need help doing so. There is no mother order in Europe, etc to fund them. They do everything from educating the children, to finding ways to clothe and feed the children themselves. In December of 2023 we broke ground on a new convent for the Benebikira Sisters at the School of the Immaculate Conception at Save. In November of 2024, we will dedicate that Convent for the sisters complete with 15 rooms for retired sisters as well, a chapel, a common area, a kitchen, and counseling offices.  This project started with $10,000 and in a little over one year, we raised $550,000 and completed the convent so the sisters could move in before the end of the year. Any funds raised will be used to rehabilitate another convent which is in disrepair, and will help with the operating expenses of the recently completed project in Save. These Angels do God's work for the Children of Rwanda. Thank you for saying YES to these beautiful sisters who offer love to all who encounter them. (See Video below and PDF for photographs of the updates in the project)

STUDENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Having worked so closely with the students of the Mère du Verbe school in Kibeho, and more recently the students at the College of Immaculée Conception in Save, Rwanda, we have started a successful student sponsorship program where people can sponsor a student for their education either at Mère du Verbe school, at a university or the seminary. Students in Rwanda want to further their education but have families who are unable to pay their school fees and ultimately they never have the opportunity to better their lives.

  By sponsoring a student for just $500-2000 per year based on elementary, high school or collegiate, that student will then eat properly for an entire year, have a school uniform and receive the necessary books and school supplies they will need to learn properly.  You will be sent your specific child's profile and can stay in touch with them throughout their journey if you choose.  We will also joyfully accept any amount you can afford and will apply it to your specific request.

KIBEHO RETREAT CENTER AND STATIONS OF THE CROSS/ROSARY Immaculee is currently building a retreat center where pilgrims can stay while visiting the Holy Shrine of Kibeho. Our Lady appeared in 1981-89, and Immaculee brings pilgrims to Kibeho three times per year in March, August, and November. It is her dream to have a comfortable, prayerful, and relaxing environment for those coming to Kibeho to honor Our Lady and come on this Holy Pilgrimage.  On this site of this Retreat Center is a 30 minute hike down to the base of the hill located 1 mile from the Shrine.  Along this walkway, she is building stations of the cross, the rosary stations, and the stations of the 7 sorrows of Mary. Many pilgrims who have come here have offered to help build the stations to honor a loved one or family, so future pilgrims can pray here inthis relaxing environment, and continue to pray for those who have helped build this beautiful place. Stations are $2,000 and a plaque will go upon each to honor those you wish to have prayed for.

Please click on the PDF Above to see all of my projects!

Please kindly click on the DONATE button below with PayPal or a credit card, if you do so, simply email and let us know where you would like your donation to go.

If you would prefer to mail a CHECK:

Please make it out to Immaculee Charities In the memo section, please specify in the notation what you would like your funds to go towards.  "Sisters of the Benebekira Convent", "School Fees", Kibeho Retreat House" etc.

All donations are tax-deductible, and we will send you a letter.

God bless you, Immaculee.


To donate by mailing a check:

Immaculee's Charities 

5064 Annunciation Circle, 206

Ave Maria, Fl 34142

Phone: 1-917-519-7408 or 985-710-9595


If you have any questions about any of Immaculee's current charities, please download the PDF by clicking on the picture just above. Or how you can help, please send us a message at the form below or at or call (985) 710-9595. We will respond as soon as possible.

Click Here to Download PDF